Message from your President
Hello fellow ELLA members
I hope that you, your families and friends are doing well during these turbulent times and that you are keeping in touch with other ELLA members through phone calls and social media.
Having to cancel Spring Session 2020 was a very hard decision but had to be made. However, thanks to Walter Archer, our Program Development Co-Chair, and a team of board members and volunteers behind him, he managed to convince a few of our instructors to offer their courses online as a pilot project to get us through this year. Many of your Board members have been very busy checking out via technology platforms, registering online students, handling the finances and developing communications and feedback strategies. This has not been an easy process and I would personally like to thank those who worked so diligently on this project.
For those of you who have registered for the online classes, we would really like your feedback at the end of the classes. You will be receiving an online survey. Please answer it as thoughtfully as you can and return it to us as quickly as possible.
On a happy note, next year is the 20th Anniversary of ELLA. We look forward to seeing all of you at Spring Session 2021 at the University of Alberta campus. It will be a time to celebrate our 20 years of success in providing university level education to third-Age learners.
In the meantime, stay well, be kind to each other and keep learning.
Your President
Shirley Forrest